Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Here lately I have been struggling with certain aspects about my work.  I dearly love wood firing, but find that many people dislike the "non-uniform" aspect about it. Which is ok by me but frustrating none the less.  They have comments like "you should make bright happy cheerful pots" and my all time favorite "eww brown"! My question is this, Why do brightly colored pots with no real sense of design sell so well? 
Has pottery become like most every other thing on this planet, it has to knock us over the head with wild decoration and bright colors for us to look at it and pay attention to it?  What has happened to people appreciating subtlety, nuance, and gracefulness?  Maybe people are so used to the cgi this, 3d that, 4g faster, on-slaught that they have turned off their senses and have lost the ability to think for themselves.  
In a world of perpetual entertainment and connectivity, I find it a blessing to be able to slow down, contemplate and enjoy the hidden, the minuscule  and ephemeral things in life. For all of you with comments like those above, This is why I make the pots I do!  

Monday, June 20, 2011


First summer session is now over and I have some free time! I have the next two months off and they are really a good time for me to buckle down and get some work done without any distractions. I do find though that I tend to procrastinate without a "schedule". It seems I do better with deadlines and what not. Too much free time and I get lazy. I guess thats how my students feel sometimes they think oh I can do it another day and then they get to the end and go oh crap! 
 I applied to a local crafts fair that will be held in September I should know if I will be included later this week. Its a juried craft show in its infancy ( this is the second year) called Indie Craft Parade. It had a large turn out last year, about 4000 people came through in three days. 
This will be the first craft show that I have done. Most of my work usually gets sold through word of mouth, which is a blessing if you ask me. 
In thinking about my procrastinatory habits I have gotten a jump on making some work. I got in the studio over the weekend and made ten baking dishes, twelve mugs, and eight yunomi cups. I am also doing some clay/ glaze testing, trying to narrow down some problems that I have been having with cracking in the kiln. Also over the weekend I got to spend some time with my dad on fathers day, which was a nice break from all the mental overload from this last summer session of classes.  
Its late and I have to get a jump on things in the morning, or else fall victim to nasty habits of sleeping in! 

Saturday, June 18, 2011


The thought of brush work on pottery has always intrigued me. Though I have never had the time to try it on some of my work.  The layered, three dimensional quality, of the brush strokes has a lot of potential. I found an old brush today while cleaning out the studio and thought I might try my hand at some rough painting. After seeing these first attempts I think I might just try putting some on my work. Though I must admit these still look rough.  Anybody got any suggestions as to recipes usage tips etc....

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

As asked for.... more from the first firing!

This firing consisted of experiments with surfaces, forms etc...  to see what qualities this kiln imparts to the ware.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Some new work.

Pot from the first firing of my wood kiln.
I really enjoy the laborious nature of firing with wood, it keeps me focused.
Insane I know.

Something New!

Well I am new to the whole blog thing, thought I might try it out.

I guess I should introduce myself at least! You will be reading about the exciting yet often ordinary, particularly hectic and measurably insane life of me,   Blake Smith.  First and foremost you will often see posts about me and the pottery work that I do. But like most artists you will also see what drives me and inspires me in my life and work. I will be posting randomly, but hopefully often.  So here's to a new adventure, I know I am really looking forward to the ride.